Happy September!
It's the changing of the seasons! Cooler weather, pumpkin spice everything, and it's my birthday month!
Before I start telling you about all the JAMazing new things going on in September, here is the top 20 trends for August. Do you own any of these designs?
Do you remember when Jamberry released the Go for Gold Collection in order to help support 15 women athletes who competed in the Olympics? I'm so happy to annouce that 41,189 wraps were sold and $185,350 was donated!
Every September 1st, the fall/winter catalog is released and you aren't going to want to miss this one! So many new designs and products to choose from! You can visit
my site to see all the JAMazing new products!
Here is September's Sisters' Style wrap. This design will be available for
purchase until September 30th.
This month's StyleBox is all about being Bold!
There are three different styles to choose from: Feminine, Classic, and Trendy. Subscribe by September 15th to get this month's box. Classic is my favorite for this month!
This month's Color Pop is Showtime lacquer. Unfortunately, this lacquer sold out within 8 hours of it's release and I wasn't able to order any in time.
With a new catalog, brings so many new gorgeous wrap designs, lacquers and gels. Visit
my site to see them all.
One new collection I can't get enough of is the How to Cook That Collection! The designs are just the cutest, I want them all! You can
purchase them today for a limited time.
If you would like to be a part of my VIP group on Facebook, click here or visit my Facebook Page. What does it mean to be a part of my VIP group? Every month, one of my VIPs will get all the hostess rewards, all I ask is you commit to purchasing one wrap or lacquer a month ($15 minimum) by the 10th of every month. Plus, I give all my VIPs extra gifts and you get first look at all the new products and exclusives! Or send me an email if you would like to host your own Jamberry party (either online or in home).
Have you ever thought about being your own boss? Jamberry is an amazing opportunity and I would love for you to join my team and help you succeed too! Click here for more information or feel free to contact me with any questions you might have!
Thanks for checking out what is new with the month of September. Be sure to like my Facebook Page to keep up to date with sales and exclusive products! If you would like to make any purchases please visit my site.
~Alison Shane~
Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant