Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Coming from the Heart

(A picture I took on our most recent trip to Disney World, September 2015)

Lately, the thought that keeps coming to my mind has been, what do I want to do with my life?

As a stay at home mom, I have my days where I ask myself, is this all I want to do? Don't get me wrong, being a mother is the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and I still don't feel deserving of it. I love my children with all my heart, but in today's day and is suppose to equal success, right? You get the greatest satisfaction being a mother and it is probably the most stressful job too, but you don't make any money that way. 

Then I realized, I don't care about making tons of money, I want to do what makes me happy! And being a stay at home mom is the perfect job for me. But....being an entrepreneur and a women, I can't just do one thing at a time.

For those who know me, probably see that I change my mind almost every year with what I want to do with myself. I've figured out why, and that is what I am writing about today.
I don't want to stick with one thing, I want to do it all. That's what makes me happy.

First I started Creations by Alison Shane. Then, One Faith Christian Store, Alison Shane Weddings, and Jamberry Nails. Now, I've been doing photography. All while being a wife and mother. I might seem like the most wishy washy person to some, but I see myself as a dreamer. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, my husband and I had to close One Faith Christian Store, but we are so very thankful for the things we learned in that short year and a half being open.

I still have Creations by Alison Shane and Alison Shane Weddings. I am still an Independent Consultant with Jamberry Nails and I am continuing to grow as a photographer. 

I am using this blog to showcase every aspect of my life. Family, personal, my crafts, my weddings, my Jamberry, and photography. I don't want to do everything separate anymore (it was really difficult to keep up with anyways). 

I look forward in you following my journey of adventure and seeing where it takes me!

~Alison Shane~

(My favorite family picture from our most recent trip at Disney World, September 2015)

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